Our industry experts share best-practise guidance for every stage in the ‘New Business Flow’, from driving enquiries through to final proposals, alongside real-life examples of common mistakes – and winning tactics – we’ve seen in the process.

The agency marketplace is more crowded than ever – are you standing out?

The GO! Network have managed 1000+ agency pitches and introductions in the last few years, across every specialism and industry sector.

In this workshop for agency leaders looking to not only stand out from the crowd, but also make the most of every pitch process, our Head of Agency Partnerships Lee Shortall and CEO Gareth Oakley are on-hand to share what most agencies get wrong with their new business, and how to ensure that your agency is making every pitch count.

On the Agenda:
  • Introduction – About GO!, and the common challenges we come across in agencies looking to drive new business.
  • The New Business Flow
  • Driving Enquiries
  • Lead Scoring and Prequalification
  • Creds
  • The Pitch
  • Proposals
  • Contracts and Terms
  • Next Steps for your Business
  • Open Q&A with our Experts

PLEASE NOTE: This is an invitation-only session. If you would like to join but haven't received an invitation from the GO! team, please register your interest with the form and you will be added to the waitlist.


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